NASA | A heart-shaped little brown dwarf Star

If only we knew then, what we know now, we’d know ‘how to’ see, so as to break ‘the curse’ of inbred patterns that lead to our self-loathing and false sense of unworthiness, and thus, we would have known ‘how to’ .. “teach the children well”.

Know … your … place, of blood-oath, so that your children can own theirs. Teach them the importance of self-respect—a reconciliation of the dreams they carry meant to be brought to fruition.

Show them ‘how to’ be happy—a inheritance of birthright. All else falls into place when the children of life are happy. Happiness begets self-love and sense of worth. Love feels love for others, and receives love from others in perfect karmic balance. Laughter, understanding, empathy, compassion, and kindness are the humane attributes of love—the ethos gained in the pathos. Teach children the art of being human; a pure light—love personified, so as not to lose their humanity to death by hegemonic discourse. Love is a humble power. Show them their place within their bloodline of life—their responsibility of place in the world. Teach them ‘how to’ discipline their power of thoughts before actions—a consideration and respect for others sharing this life with them, and along side them. It is the love they carry that will “school” them to be independent critical thinkers skilled in life’s wisdoms to make the right choices for betterment of the whole, and not cleave to unnecessary things. Teach them that their energies on this planet make a difference—good, bad, ugly, or indifferent, and should be used wisely, and not for pretensive temporary gratification sullied in pretense or self-interests. Teach them, that gratitude is a power that will fulfill their wildest dreams. Teach them to be observant and aware that everything they say and do will have either a positive impact on others; a sense of reward, or a negative impact; a consequential outcome that sometimes cannot be rectified. Teach them to be authentic and honest in nature, and Nature will surely protect and sanctify their value.

If one chooses to bring children into this world as we know it, one should know the profound responsibility it is to do so—a solemn oath promise to raise them to know joy, because joy is what the world is waiting for, and your children are the sacred seeds endowed to bring it! Do .. the .. right .. thing—love them madly, and wisely teach them to understand the ways of all living things, and in this they will see and feel and know the connective power of all one, and will be awed to joy! Only when your sacrifices have been meant in the planting, can you proclaim, checkmate!

There can be no peace on this planet until the children are free to rise up in love. Only then can be heard the synchronistic symphony of the ohm of awe, where cherish .. is the word.

What we are so blessed to sew, lays solely in what we think, and how we proceed to nurture what needs to be sewn.